In grade 2, instructional time will emphasize four areas:

(1) extending understanding of place value in three-digit numbers;

(2) building fluency and algebraic reasoning with addition and subtraction;

(3) extending understanding of measurement of objects, time and the perimeter of geometric figures and

(4) developing spatial reasoning with number representations and two-dimensional figures.

Number Sense and Operations

MA.2.NSO.1 Understand the place value of three-digit numbers.

MA.2.NSO.1.1: Read and write numbers from 0 to 1,000 using standard form, expanded form and word form.

MA.2.NSO.1.2: Compose and decompose three-digit numbers in multiple ways using hundreds, tens and ones. Demonstrate each composition or decomposition with objects, drawings and expressions or equations.

MA.2.NSO.1.3 Plot, order and compare whole numbers up to 1,000.

MA.2.NSO.1.4 Round whole numbers from 0 to 100 to the nearest 10.

MA.2.NSO.2 Add and subtract two- and three-digit whole numbers.

MA.2.NSO.2.1: Recall addition facts with sums to 20 and related subtraction facts with automaticity.

MA.2.NSO.2.2: Identify the number that is ten more, ten less, one hundred more and one hundred less than a given three-digit number.

MA.2.NSO.2.3: Add two whole numbers with sums up to 100 with procedural reliability. Subtract a whole number from a whole number, each no larger than 100, with procedural reliability.

MA.2.NSO.2.4: Explore the addition of two whole numbers with sums up to 1,000. Explore the subtraction of a whole number from a whole number, each no larger than 1,000.


MA.2.FR.1 Develop an understanding of fractions.

MA.2.FR.1.1: Partition circles and rectangles into two, three or four equal-sized parts. Name the parts using appropriate language, and describe the whole as two halves, three thirds or four fourths.

MA.2.FR.1.2: Partition rectangles into two, three or four equal-sized parts in two different ways showing that equal-sized parts of the same whole may have different shapes.

Algebraic Reasoning

MA.2.AR.1 Solve addition problems with sums between 0 and 100 and related subtraction problems.

MA.2.AR.1.1: Solve one- and two-step addition and subtraction real-world problems.

MA.2.AR.2 Demonstrate an understanding of equality and addition and subtraction.

MA.2.AR.2.1: Determine and explain whether equations involving addition and subtraction are true or false.

MA.2.AR.2.2: Determine the unknown whole number in an addition or subtraction equation, relating three or four whole numbers, with the unknown in any position.

MA.2.AR.3 Develop an understanding of multiplication.

MA.2.AR.3.1: Represent an even number using two equal groups or two equal addends. Represent an odd number using two equal groups with one left over or two equal addends plus 1.

MA.2.AR.3.2: Use repeated addition to find the total number of objects in a collection of equal groups. Represent the total number of objects using rectangular arrays and equations.


MA.2.M.1 Measure the length of objects and solve problems involving length.

MA.2.M.1.1: Estimate and measure the length of an object to the nearest inch, foot, yard, centimeter or meter by selecting and using an appropriate tool.

MA.2.M.1.2: Measure the lengths of two objects using the same unit and determine the difference between their measurements.

MA.2.M.1.3: Solve one- and two-step real-world measurement problems involving addition and subtraction of lengths given in the same units.

MA.2.M.2 Tell time and solve problems involving money.

MA.2.M.2.1: Using analog and digital clocks, tell and write time to the nearest five minutes using a.m. and p.m. appropriately. Express portions of an hour using the fractional terms half an hour, half past, quarter of an hour, quarter after and quarter til.

MA.2.M.2.2: Solve one- and two-step addition and subtraction real-world problems involving either dollar bills within $100 or coins within 100¢ using $ and ¢ symbols appropriately.

Geometric Reasoning

MA.2.GR.1 Identify and analyze two-dimensional figures and identify lines of symmetry.

MA.2.GR.1.1: Identify and draw two-dimensional figures based on their defining attributes. Figures are limited to triangles, rectangles, squares, pentagons, hexagons and octagons.

MA.2.GR.1.2: Categorize two-dimensional figures based on the number and length of sides, number of vertices, whether they are closed or not and whether the edges are curved or straight.

MA.2.GR.1.3: Identify line(s) of symmetry for a two-dimensional figure.

MA.2.GR.2 Describe perimeter and find the perimeter of polygons.

MA.2.GR.2.1: Explore perimeter as an attribute of a figure by placing unit segments along the boundary without gaps or overlaps. Find perimeters of rectangles by counting unit segments.

MA.2.GR.2.2: Find the perimeter of a polygon with whole-number side lengths. Polygons are limited to triangles, rectangles, squares and pentagons.

Data Analysis and Probability

MA.2.DP.1 Collect, categorize, represent and interpret data using appropriate titles, labels and units.

MA.2.DP.1.1: Collect, categorize and represent data using tally marks, tables, pictographs or bar graphs. Use appropriate titles, labels and units.

MA.2.DP.1.2: Interpret data represented with tally marks, tables, pictographs or bar graphs including solving addition and subtraction problems.