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In This Unit of Study…

Students will compose and decompose numbers up to 100 in more than one way – as tens and ones by using objects, drawings, expressions, or equations. They will read and write numbers up to 100 in standard, expanded, and word forms. Students will identify the number that is one more, one less, ten more, and ten less than a given two-digit number.

B.E.S.T. Benchmarks:

  • MA.1.NSO.1.2 Read numbers from 0 to 100 written in standard form, expanded form and word form. Write numbers from 0 to 100 using standard form and expanded form. 
  • MA.1.NSO.1.3 Compose and decompose two-digit numbers in multiple ways using tens and ones. Demonstrate each composition or decomposition with objects, drawings and expressions or equations. 

Overarching Key Concepts:

  • Build two-digit numbers using groupable models
  • Read (standard, expanded, and word form) and write (standard and expanded form) numbers to 100
  • Compose and decompose two-digit numbers in multiply ways using tens and ones