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In This Unit of Study…

Students partition circles and rectangles into two and four equal-sized parts, and they describe the parts by using the words halves and fourths. Students reason about the size of parts as they observe that when shapes are decomposed into more equal-sized parts, the shares become smaller in size. Fraction notation is not expected at this grade level.

B.E.S.T. Benchmarks:

  • MA.1.NSO.2.1 Recall addition facts with sums to 10 and related subtraction facts with automaticity. 
  • MA.1.FR.1.1 Partition circles and rectangles into two and four equal-sized parts. Name the parts of the whole using appropriate language including halves or fourths. 

Overarching Key Concepts:

  • Fluency: Use doubles to recall addition facts within 20
  • Partition circles and rectangles into equal-sized parts