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In This Unit of Study…

Students will recognize that the equal sign represents “the same as.” They will determine if addition/subtraction equations are true or false. Students will also solve for the unknown (in any position) relating 3 or 4 whole numbers in an subtraction/addition equation.

B.E.S.T. Benchmarks:

  • MA.2.NSO.2.1 Recall addition facts with sums to 20 and related subtraction facts with automaticity.    
  • MA.2.AR.2.1 Determine and explain whether equations involving addition and subtraction are true or false 
  • MA.2.AR.2.2 Determine the unknown whole number in an addition or subtraction equation, relating three or four whole numbers, with the unknown in any position 

Overarching Key Concepts:

  • Fluency: Solve addition and subtraction facts using the ‘doubles’ strategy
  • Determine and explain if equations are true or false and solve for the unknown