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In This Unit of Study…

Students collect and represent numerical data by using tables, line plots, pictographs, and bar graphs. Students are expected to complete a representation or construct a new representation from a data set. They interpret displayed data on these types of graphs and on a circle graph. Students use data sets to solve one- or two-step problems involving addition and subtraction.

B.E.S.T. Benchmarks:

  • MA.3.DP.1.1 Collect and represent numerical and categorical data with whole-number values using tables, scaled pictographs, scaled bar graphs or line plots. Use appropriate titles, labels, and units.
  • MA.3.DP.1.2 Interpret data with whole-number values represented with tables, scaled pictographs, circle graphs, scaled bar graphs or line plots by solving one- and two-step problems.

Overarching Key Concepts:

  • Create and read scaled pictographs and bar graphs
  • Interpret data to solve one and two step problems