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In This Unit of Study…
Third graders will continue to develop an accurate method in which they multiply two whole numbers from 0 to 12 with procedural reliability. In addition, they will learn to apply the distributive property to multiply two-digit numbers by one-digit numbers. This will involve regrouping when the product of the ones column is greater than nine. Various strategies will be used to find the product of the factors. These methods include using and naming the commutative and associative properties of multiplication, as well as the distributive property.
B.E.S.T. Benchmarks:
- MA.3.NSO.2.4 Multiply two whole numbers from 0 to 12 and divide using related facts with procedural reliability
- MA.3.AR.1.1 Apply the distributive property to multiply a one-digit number and two-digit number. Apply properties of multiplication to find a product of one-digit whole numbers.
Overarching Key Concepts:
- Model and apply the Communitive Property of mutliplication
- Model and apply the Associative Property of multiplication