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In This Unit of Study…

Students will extend division to include quotients with up to four-digit dividends and one-digit divisors. They are expected to find and write remainders as fractional parts of the divisor. A variety of strategies are explored based on place value, properties of operations, and the relationship between multiplication and division. Students will focus on choosing a method they can use reliably.

B.E.S.T. Benchmarks:

  • MA.4.NSO.2.4 Divide a whole number up to four digits by a one-digit whole number with procedural reliability. Represent remainders as fractional parts of the divisor.   
  • MA.4.NSO.2.5Explore the multiplication and division of multi-digit whole numbers using estimation, rounding and place value.   
  • MA.4.AR.1.1Solve real-world problems involving multiplication and division of whole numbers including problems in which remainders must be interpreted within the context.   
  • MA.4.NSO.2.1 Recall multiplication facts with factors up to 12 and related division facts with automaticity.   

Overarching Key Concepts:

  • Fluency: Multiply by 7
  • Use Equal Groups Models and Place Value to Divide 
  • Use Area Models to Represent Division 
  • Use Partial Products to Divide
  • Determine and Interpret Remainders