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In this Unit of Study…

Students will compose and decompose numbers 10-20 using objects, pictorial representations, and equations/expressions. First, students will represent numbers 10-20 as ten ones and some more (i.e.: 13= ten ones and 3 ones make 13). Students will represent this using objects, double ten frames, number bonds, and equations. Then, students will represent numbers 0-10 as a unit of ten and some ones (i.e.: 13= 1 ten and 3 ones make 13).

B.E.S.T. Benchmarks:

  • MA.K.NSO.2.2 Represent whole numbers from 10 to 20, using a unit of ten and a group of ones, with objects, drawings and expressions or equations. 
  • MA.K.AR.2.1 Explain why addition or subtraction equations are true using objects or drawings. 

Key Concepts:

  • Represent numbers 10-20 as ten ones and some more (ten ones and 3 ones make 13)
  • Represent numbers 10-20 as a unit of ten and some ones (1 ten and 3 ones make 13)