Measure angles in whole-number degrees using a protractor.  Sketch angles of specified measure.

[divider] [/divider]Students are able to…

  • Understand what a protractor is and how it works.
  • Use a protractor to measure angles accurately.
  • Draw angles of a specific degree.

[divider] [/divider]Students are able to…because teachers:

  • Connect a protractor to a circle and have students discuss how it can be used to measure degrees.
  • Provide multiple opportunities for students to measure a variety of angles using a protractor.
  • Pose situations where students have to sketch specific angles.

[divider] [/divider]Questions to ask students:

  • Point to the numbers on a protractor. Ask, How do you know which number to use when measuring the angle?
    • Sample answer that indicates understanding: I know when I looked that the angle that it was acute, so I would look at the numbers that are less than 90˚.
  • Draw an angle with a measure of 75˚.
    • Sample answer that indicates understanding:  Student correctly draws an angle with the protractor that measures 75˚.
  • Before a student measures with a protractor… Estimate the size of the angle using benchmark fractions or angles.  Is this angle acute, right or obtuse?  What does that mean for the measure of the angle?
    • Sample answer that indicates understanding: When I look at this fraction it looks like half of a right angle. That makes me think that it will be close to 45˚.  The angle is acute so I know it can’t measure more than 89˚ or less than 1˚ so 45˚ is a reasonable estimate for the angle measure.

[divider] [/divider]FSA Notes

Cognitive Complexity Level: 2 – Basic Application of Skills and Concepts

Achievement Level Descriptors:

2- recognizes angles as geometric shapes; recognizes angle measures with reference to a circle

3- measures angles using a protractor up to 180 degrees; sketches angles of specified measure

4- measures and identifies angles between 180 and 360 degrees

5- [intentionally left blank]

Assessment Limits:

Items may contain whole number degree measures within 0° and 360°.

For identification, angles are less than 360􀁱.

For construction, angles are less than 180􀁱.

Items may not require estimating the exact measures of angles.

[divider] [/divider]Additional Resources:

Additional in depth content knowledge

Video: Introduction to protractors

[divider] [/divider]Sample Formative Assessment Tasks:


Resources/Tasks to Help Your Child at Home

Using a protractor, have your child practice measuring the angles of different objects within your home. Also, give them a specific measurement from 1°-180° to draw using the protractor.  (Remember to include angles that open to the right and angles that open to the left).

Banana Hunt Online Game –

Alien Angles Online Game –

Stargazing Online Game –