MAFS.1.OA.4.7 Understand the meaning of the equal sign, and determine if equations involving addition and subtraction are true or false. For example, which of the following equations are true and which are false? 6 = 6, 7 = 8 – 1, 5 + 2 = 2 + 5, 4 + 1 = 5 + 2.

Cognitive Complexity Level: 1-Recall

[divider] [/divider] Students are able to… 

  • Use mathematical symbols including numerals, operations and equal sign
  • Justify their thinking to show that both sides of an equation represent the same amount
  • Write equations in a variety of ways
  • Determine whether an equation is true or false

[divider] [/divider] Students are able to…because teachers:

  • Develop the meaning of “same amount” or “same as”
  • Make connections to balance scales and balanced equations
  • Provide examples of a variety of ways to write an equation
  • Provide opportunities for students to determine whether an equation is true or false

 [divider] [/divider] Questions to ask students:

  • Ask:  How can you prove that 6 + 5 = 7 + 4 is a balanced equation?
    • Sample answer that indicates understanding: This equation is balanced or the same on both sides.  I know this because 6 +5 equals 11 and 7 + 4 equals 11.  They both equal the same so the equation is balanced.
  • Ask: Which of these equations are true? Explain your thinking.  4 + 8 = 9 or 9 = 5 +4
    • Sample answer that indicates understanding: 9 = 5 + 4 is true because I can draw a model and show that 5 + 4 equal 9 or I can start at 5 and count up 4 which makes 9.  4 + 8 is false because 8 and 4 more equals 12.

[divider] [/divider] Additional Resources:

Additional in depth content knowledge

Video: Georgia Standards 1.OA.4.7

Video: Khan Academy – Equal Sign

[divider] [/divider] Sample Formative Assessment Tasks:

[divider] [/divider] Resources/Tasks to Support Your Child at Home:

  • Task: Choose a target number less than 20. Use playing cards to find as many possible combinations of cards to reach the target number.
  • Task: Write a variety of true and false addition and subtraction equations. Work together to sort them into the correct true or false pile.
  • Is the equation true or false? – this interactive ten-question quiz, players must decide if the given equation is true or false. Extend the game by rewriting the false equations to make them true.