Count to 120, starting at any number less than 120. In this range, read and write numerals and represent a number of objects with a written numeral.


[divider] [/divider] Students are able to…

  • Read and write numbers to 120.
  • Count on from any given number.
  • Describe number patterns using a hundreds/120s chart.
  • Explain how the place of a digit determines the value.

[divider] [/divider] Students are able to…because teachers:

  • Provide opportunities to read, write, and count to 120.
  • Model use of hundreds/120s chart as a tool to count on from any given number.
  • Model use of hundreds/120s chart to find patterns with the tens and ones place.
  • Provide activities that have students explore the difference between numbers that have the same digits, but the digits are in a different place.  For example, 27 and 72

[divider] [/divider] Questions to ask students:

  • Ask students to count on from a given number…for example, start at 24 and count on.
    • Sample answer that indicates understanding: “The next numbers after 24 are 25, 26, 27, 28 etc.”
  • Ask students to use the hundreds chart/120 chart and explain patterns…for example, describe the pattern in a column or row? 
    • Sample answer that indicates understanding: “All the numbers in this column have the same number in the ones place.” or “All the numbers in this row have the same number in the tens place.”
  • How is the value of the digit 6 different in 26 and 62?
    • Sample answer that indicates understanding: “In 26, the 2 is in the tens place.  It has a value of 20.  In 62, the 2 is in the ones place.  It has a value of 2.

[divider] [/divider] Additional Resources:

Blog Post: Counting to 1oo

Learn Zillion Video: Counting to 120 using Tens and Ones


[divider] [/divider] Sample Formative Assessment Tasks:

[divider] [/divider] Resources/Tasks to Help Your Child at Home:

Task: Choose a number and have your child count by ones starting at that number. Could use a 120s chart ( or a number line ( to practice. This could also be done as you are counting pennies/other objects, driving, waiting in line, taking a walk, etc.


Number Line Interactive Online Tool – Use an interactive online number line to count by ones from any given number.


Task: Look for pictures of objects in the newspaper, magazines or books. Have your child practice counting how many there are by ones.  Then have them re-count to group by 10s and count on by ones.  (For example:  There are 23 apples on the page.  I made 2 groups of ten and counted on 3 ones.  So 10, 20, 21, 22, 23).


LearnZillion Video: Counting to 120 Using Tens and Ones: