In grade 1, instructional time will emphasize four areas:
(1) understanding the place value of tens and ones within two-digit whole numbers;
(2) extending understanding of addition and subtraction and the relationship between them;
(3) developing an understanding of measurement of physical objects, money and time and
(4) categorizing, composing and decomposing geometric figures.
Number Sense and Operations
MA.1.NSO.1 Extend counting sequences and understand the place value of two-digit numbers.
MA.1.NSO.1.1: Starting at a given number, count forward and backwards within 120 by ones. Skip count by 2s to 20 and by 5s to 100.
MA.1.NSO.1.2: Read numbers from 0 to 100 written in standard form, expanded form and word form. Write numbers from 0 to 100 using standard form and expanded form.
MA.1.NSO.1.3: Compose and decompose two-digit numbers in multiple ways using tens and ones. Demonstrate each composition or decomposition with objects, drawings and expressions or equations.
MA.1.NSO.1.4: Plot, order and compare whole numbers up to 100.
MA.1.NSO.2 Develop an understanding of addition and subtraction operations with one and two-digit numbers.
MA.1.NSO.2.1: Recall addition facts with sums to 10 and related subtraction facts with automaticity.
MA.1.NSO.2.2: Add two whole numbers with sums from 0 to 20, and subtract using related facts with procedural reliability.
MA.1.NSO.2.3: Identify the number that is one more, one less, ten more and ten less than a given two-digit number.
MA.1.NSO.2.4: Explore the addition of a two-digit number and a one-digit number with sums to 100.
MA.1.NSO.2.5: Explore subtraction of a one-digit number from a two-digit number.
MA.1.FR.1 Develop an understanding of fractions by partitioning shapes into halves and fourths.
MA.1.FR.1.1: Partition circles and rectangles into two and four equal-sized parts. Name the parts of the whole using appropriate language including halves or fourths.
Algebraic Reasoning
MA.1.AR.1 Solve addition problems with sums between 0 and 20 and subtraction problems using related facts.
MA.1.AR.1.1: Apply properties of addition to find a sum of three or more whole numbers.
MA.1.AR.1.2: Solve addition and subtraction real-world problems using objects, drawings or equations to represent the problem.
MA.1.AR.2 Develop an understanding of the relationship between addition and subtraction.
MA.1.AR.2.1: Restate a subtraction problem as a missing addend problem using the relationship between addition and subtraction.
MA.1.AR.2.2: Determine and explain if equations involving addition or subtraction are true or false.
MA.1.AR.2.3: Determine the unknown whole number in an addition or subtraction equation, relating three whole numbers, with the unknown in any position.
MA.1.M.1 Compare and measure the length of objects.
MA.1.M.1.1: Estimate the length of an object to the nearest inch. Measure the length of an object to the nearest inch or centimeter.
MA.1.M.1.2: Compare and order the length of up to three objects using direct and indirect comparison.
MA.1.M.2 Tell time and identify the value of coins and combinations of coins and dollar bills.
MA.1.M.2.1 Using analog and digital clocks, tell and write time in hours and half-hours.
MA.1.M.2.2: Identify pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters, and express their values using the ¢ symbol. State how many of each coin equal a dollar.
MA.1.M.2.3: Find the value of combinations of pennies, nickels and dimes up to one dollar, and the value of combinations of one, five and ten dollar bills up to $100. Use the ¢ and $ symbols appropriately.
Geometric Reasoning
MA.1.GR.1 Identify and analyze two- and three-dimensional figures based on their defining attributes.
MA.1.GR.1.1: Identify, compare and sort two- and three-dimensional figures based on their defining attributes. Figures are limited to circles, semi-circles, triangles, rectangles, squares, trapezoids, hexagons, spheres, cubes, rectangular prisms, cones and cylinders.
MA.1.GR.1.2: Sketch two-dimensional figures when given defining attributes. Figures are limited to triangles, rectangles, squares and hexagons.
MA.1.GR.1.3: Compose and decompose two- and three-dimensional figures. Figures are limited to semi-circles, triangles, rectangles, squares, trapezoids, hexagons, cubes, rectangular prisms, cones and cylinders.
MA.1.GR.1.4: Given a real-world object, identify parts that are modeled by two- and three-dimensional figures. Figures are limited to semi-circles, triangles, rectangles, squares and hexagons, spheres, cubes, rectangular prisms, cones and cylinders.
Data Analysis and Probability
MA.1.DP.1 Collect, represent and interpret data using pictographs and tally marks.
MA.1.DP.1.1: Collect data into categories and represent the results using tally marks or pictographs.
MA.1.DP.1.2: Interpret data represented with tally marks or pictographs by calculating the total number of data points and comparing the totals of different categories.