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In This Unit of Study…

Students explore multiplication of two whole numbers, and they understand and interpret the product of whole numbers when given an equal number of groups with an equal number of objects in each group.  The meaning and properties of multiplication are at the center of instruction.  A variety of strategies, such as equal groups, arrays, area models, and equations, are used to determine the product. When exploring multiplication, they will learn that multiplication and division are related.  They can use a multiplication representation to solve a division problem.  Students must be able to describe and provide a context for any given multiplication problem.  Students also determine and explain whether an equation involving multiplication is true or false.

B.E.S.T. Benchmarks:

  • MA.3.NSO.2.2  Explore multiplication of two whole numbers with products from 0 to 144, and related division facts.
  • MA.3.AR.1.2  Solve one- and two-step real-world problems involving any of four operations with whole numbers. 

Overarching Key Concepts:

  • Represent equal group multiplication using models
  • Represent array and measurement multiplication using models
  • Represent equal group division using models
  • Represent array and measurement division using models