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In This Unit of Study…

Students will solve one-step multiplication and division problems by using the following variety of strategies:

  1. Concrete objects
  2. Pictorial models
    1. Arrays
    2. Area models
    3. Equal groupings
    4. Tape diagrams
  3. Equations and algorithms

Additionally, students will use their comprehension of the relationship between multiplication and division to solve for missing numbers in multiplication or division equations.

B.E.S.T. Benchmarks:

  • MA.3.NSO.2.4 Multiply two whole numbers from 0 to 12 and divide using related facts with procedural reliability. 
  • MA.3.AR.2.1 Restate a division problem as a missing factor problem using the relationship between multiplication and division. 
  • MA.3.AR.2.2Determine and explain whether an equation involving multiplication or division is true or false. 
  • MA.3.AR.2.3 Determine the unknown whole number in a multiplication or division equation, relating three whole numbers, with the unknown in any position. 

Overarching Key Concepts:

  • Model and solve division problems using multiplication