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In This Unit of Study…
Building on previous knowledge of both multiplying whole numbers and adding and subtracting decimals, students will apply their knowledge to explore multiplication problems with multi-digit numbers with decimals to the hundredths place. To multiply decimals, students may begin with repeated addition and then move to more efficient strategies like place value, area models, arrays, and partial products to support their thinking. Students will also focus on place value to multiply a multi-digit number with decimals to the tenths by one-tenth and one-hundredth. Estimation by using rounding is another component of multiplying decimals. Number lines may be used to support rounding.
B.E.S.T. Benchmarks:
- MA.5.NSO.2.4 Explore the multiplication and division of multidigit numbers with decimals to the hundredths using estimation, rounding and place value.
- MA.5.NSO.2.5 Multiply and divide a multi-digit number with decimals to the tenths by one-tenth and one-hundredth with procedural reliability
- MA.5.M.2.1 Solve multi-step real-world problems involving money using decimal notation.
Overarching Key Concepts:
- Apply place value patterns to divide by 0.1 and 0.01
- Divide multi-digit numbers with decimals to the hundredths place