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In This Unit of Study…
Students translate written real-world and mathematical descriptions into numerical expressions and numerical expressions into written mathematical descriptions. They evaluate multistep numerical expressions using order of operations, and they determine and explain whether an equation involving any of the four operations is true or false. Instruction focuses on the connection between properties of equality and order of operations. Expressions are limited to any combination of the arithmetic operations, including parentheses, with whole numbers, decimals, and fractions (exponents and nested grouping symbols are not applied until sixth grade). Decimals are limited to hundredths, and expressions cannot include division of a fraction by a fraction.
B.E.S.T. Benchmarks:
- MA.5.AR.2.1 Translate written real-world and mathematical descriptions into numerical expressions and numerical expressions into written mathematical descriptions.
- MA.5.AR.2.2 Evaluate multi-step numerical expressions using order of operations.
- MA.5.AR.2.3 Determine and explain whether an equation involving any of the four operations is true or false.
- MA.5.AR.2.4 Given a mathematical or real-world context, write an equation involving any of the four operations to determine the unknown whole number with the unknown in any position.
Overarching Key Concepts:
- Translate expressions and apply the order of operations
- Apply understanding of equality