Counting to 100

According to the standard, MAFS.K.CC.1.1, students are required to, “Count to 100 by ones and by tens.” During the school day, there are many opportunities for students to practice rote counting such as:

Counting the number of chairs in the classroom
Counting a set of objects
Counting the number of students in the class
Counting through songs
Counting sets of 10 fingers or full ten frames

The practice of rote counting helps to reinforce the counting sequence. It is important to scaffold the count sequence as students begin to rote count. For example, students might begin rote counting from 0-10, as they show fluency, the sequence can be extended. Students might also practice rote counting during transition times as they count the steps they take (as seen in the image below).

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After students develop an understanding of rote counting, MAFS.K.CC.1.2, requires students to, “Count forward beginning from a given number within the known sequence.” An application of this standard is to use a set of cards (0-99) to practice counting forward from a given number. Person A selects a card and Person B has to name the next number in the counting sequence (see image below).

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This task should be differentiated based on rote counting ability. Students should be able to rote count 0-20 before they are asked to count forward from 6, etc.

For more ideas check out this link: