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In This Unit of Study…

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Students will use both analog and digital clocks to tell and write time in hours and half hours. Students will relate the numbers on a clock to partitioning circles into halves and also to a circular number line, and they will make connections between half hours and halves.

B.E.S.T. Benchmarks:

  • MA.1.NSO.2.1 Recall addition facts with sums to 10 and related subtraction facts with automaticity. 
  • MA.1.M.2.1 Using analog and digital clocks, tell and write time in hours and half-hours. 

Overarching Key Concepts:

  • Fluency: Use ‘doubles +1’ to recall addition facts within 10
  • Tell and write time to the nearest hour using digital and analog clocks
  • Tell and write time to the nearest half-hour using digital and analog clocks