Unit of Study 1: Represent, Count, Write Numbers 0-10: MA.K.NSO.1.1, MA.K.NSO.1.2, MA.K.NSO.2.1 (Aug. 21)
Unit of Study 2: Locate, Compare, and Order Numbers to 10: MA.K.NSO.1.3, MA.K.NSO.1.4, MA.K.NSO.2.3, MA.K.NSO.2.1 (Sep. 14)
Unit of Study 3: Identify and Describe Shapes: MA.K.GR.1.1, MA.K.GR.1.4, MA.K.NSO.2.1 (Oct. 6)
Unit of Study 4: Equality and Equations: MA.K.AR.2.1, MA.K.NSO.2.1 (Oct. 9)
Unit of Study 5: Compare and Decompose Numbers 0-10: MA.K.AR.1.1, MA.K.AR.1.2, MA.K.AR.2.1, MA.K.NSO.2.1 (Nov. 13)
Unit of Study 6: Data: MA.K.DP.1.1, MA.K.NSO.2.1 (Dec. 18)
Unit of Study 7: Addition and Subtraction Concepts I: MA.K.NSO.3.1, MA.K.NSO.3.2, MA.K.AR.1.3, MA.K.NSO.2.1 (Jan. 17)
Unit of Study 8: Sort, Compare, and Combine Shapes: MA.K.GR.1.1, MA.K.GR.1.2, MA.K.GR.1.3, MA.K.GR.1.4, MA.K.GR.1.5, MA.K.NSO.2.1 (Feb. 8)
Unit of Study 9: Addition and Subtraction Concepts II: MA.K.NSO.3.1, MA.K.NSO.3.2, MA.K.AR.1.3, MA.K.NSO.2.1 (Feb. 27)
Unit of Study 10: Represent, Count, Write Numbers: MA.K.NSO.1.1, MA.K.NSO.1.2, MA.K.NSO.2.1 (Mar. 22)
Unit of Study 11: Compose and Decompose Numbers 10-20 (Place Value): MA.K.NSO.2.2, MA.K.AR.2.1 (April. 11)
Unit of Study 12: Locate, Compare, and Order Numbers to 20: MA.K.NSO.1.4, MA.K.NSO.2.3, MA.K.NSO.3.2 (April. 25)
Unit of Study 13: Measurement: MA.K.M.1.1, MA.K.M.1.2, MA.K.M.1.3, MA.K.NSO.3.2 (May. 7)
Unit of Study 14: Addition and Subtraction Strategies (0-10) with Procedural Reliability: MA.K.AR.1.1, MA.K.AR.1.2, MA.K.AR.1.3, MA.K.NSO.3.1 (May. 17)