Make a Ten Card Game
MAFS.K.OA.1.4, states that, “For any number from 1 to 9, find the number that makes 10 when added to the given number, e.g., by using objects or drawings, and record …
A shared partnership program with HCTM and HCPS
MAFS.K.OA.1.4, states that, “For any number from 1 to 9, find the number that makes 10 when added to the given number, e.g., by using objects or drawings, and record …
The progression of division starts in 3rd grade…and it is crucial that students really develop a deep concrete understanding of division. If your 4th grade students are still relying on …
Teachers are often wary about teaching measurement conversions through problem solving…we revert to mnemonic devices, tricks and chants rather than encouraging students to use the same problem solving strategies we …
Elapsed time is incorporated into the 4th grade standard MAFS.4.MD.1.2: Use the four operations to solve word problems involving…intervals of time…and represent intervals of time using linear models. But what …
By the end of 4th grade, students should be able to apply their understanding of place value and properties of operations to multiply a whole number of up to 4 …
Checkout this interactive game “Area Blocks” at ! This game is a fun way for students to relate area and perimeter to the operations of multiplication and addition. Students …
Are your 4th graders struggling with area and perimeter? It may be time to take a step back. Ms. Park noticed that her 6th (yes, SIXTH) graders were struggling with …
Functions can be overwhelming with all of the f’s, x’s, and f(x)’s. But in reality, functions are quite easy to understand once you know how they work. So what is …
Students are naturally inquisitive and observant! Why not use these characteristics to teach new concepts! One-way to utilize students problem solving abilities is through Three-Act-Tasks. Three-Act-Tasks allows students to draw …
Do you have students in third, fourth, or fifth grade that are struggling with subtraction? Chances are, they missed the concrete phase of modeling subtraction with regrouping. This skill is …
The Progression of Addition and Subtraction is a wildly discussed topic in elementary schools. It is important that we do not rush students’ understanding of the operations. Learning should be …
I won’t say too much here, because the time reading this could be better spent watching the video. 🙂 However, keep in mind, no matter what grade you are teaching, …
For information on using multiplication to divide efficiently and accurately, visit the Origo 1 Minute Math Video:
Check out this quick video on teaching concepts through concrete and pictorial models to increase understanding.
You may have read our earlier post “FSA-Preparing for Context Complexities” about the connection between Webb’s Depth of Knowledge complexity levels and the FSA. This post alluded to the importance …
Check out this quick video on preparing for Computer Based Testing.
Checkout how this 4th grade teacher uses the number routine “Number Strings” to engage students in meaningful mathematical discourse as they build their understanding of how to find whole number …