We are all “Math People”

“You are going to have an enormous impact on young students. If you even think you don’t like math, these students will pick up on your dislike and also not like math.”  -Rhett Allain assoc. physics prof.

i-Ready Learning Games for Math

This school year, i-Ready has added Learning Games for mathematics. All K-5 students in Hillsborough County will have access to these games through i-Ready. (Teachers must turn on access to …

Planning for K-5 Math e-Learning

The e-Learning bell schedule for K-5 Mathematics includes 30 minutes a day for whole group instruction and 30 minutes a day for Independent Purposeful Practice and/or Small Group Lessons. The …

Assignments Submissions in Canvas

Many teachers are having issues with Assignments in Canvas. In student view, they aren’t able to move past some Assignments (Purposeful Practice, iReady or Savvas Realize lessons, etc.) This could …

2020-2021 Elementary Math

Our new Instructional Guides and Resources are now available through Canvas! Be sure to enroll yourself in the K-5 Math Landing Page to access grade level Guides and general Resources. …

Pearson Realize Webinars

This video will show you how to access online webinars offered from Pearson. https://mypearsontraining.com/products/covid-19-readiness/tutorials