Primary Standards:

MAFS.K.OA.1.5 Fluently add and subtract within 5. *(By the end of kindergarten, students should know addition and subtraction facts with totals to 5.  They also demonstrate an understanding of what it means to add and subtract.  Successful students should have a variety of experiences, using concrete models and drawings to show these combinations.)

Connecting Standards:

MAFS.K.OA.1.1 Represent addition and subtraction with objects, fingers, mental images, drawings, sounds (e.g., claps), acting out situations, verbal explanations, expressions, or equations.

MAFS.K.OA.1.2 Solve addition and subtraction word problems, and add and subtract within 10 5, e.g., by using objects or drawings to represent the problem.

Content Knowledge:

Students have explored addition and subtraction through solving problems using concrete objects and pictures in Units 7 & 8.  Students have experienced adding items to a set and taking items from a set as models.  These conceptual understandings are the basis for relating addition and subtraction and provide the early strategies that lead to fact fluency.

This Unit will not provide a culmination of the Fluency standard, but should be used by students to develop and enhance use with the earliest fluency strategies of counting 1 more, 1 less, adding 0 more, and subtracting 0.  Students may need additional time working with these concepts, especially those who struggle with counting on.

Students will also represent these addition and subtraction problems using symbols and equations.  This will again be explored in the subsequent unit with problems with totals within 10.

Fluency practice and checks on addition and subtraction facts within 5 should continue throughout the rest of the year.  K.OA.1.5 should be used as a culminating fluency goal for the entire year.

GCG 1 – Learning Goal: As a Mathematician,I will be able to add 1 more to numbers within 5

  • Step 1: Students can solve problems involving sums to 5 through concrete models and drawings
  • Step 2: Students can connect 1 more to the concept of adding 1
  • Step 3: Students can show that adding 1 to a number results in the next number in the counting sequence
  • Step 4: Students can represent and solve +1 problems involving sums to 5 using symbols and equations

GCG 2 – Learning Goal: As a Mathematician, I will be able to subtract 1 from numbers within 5

  • Step 1: Students can solve problems involving differences to 5 through concrete models and drawings
  • Step 2: Students can connect 1 less to the concept of subtracting 1
  • Step 3: Students can show that subtracting 1 from a number results in the previous number in the counting sequence
  • Step 4: Students can represent and solve -1 problems involving differences to 5 using symbols and equations

GCG 3 – Learning Goal: As a Mathematician, I will be able to recognize that adding 0 or subtracting 0 to numbers (within 5) does not change the quantity

  • Step 1: Students can solve problems involving 0 more and 0 less within 5 using concrete models and drawings
  • Step 2: Students can show through concrete models, drawings, and explanations that 0 more and 0 less does not change the quantity
  • Step 3: Students can use symbols and equations to solve problems involving 0 more and 0 less