Primary Standards:

MAFS.K.OA.1.1 Represent addition and subtraction with objects, fingers, mental images, drawings, sounds (e.g., claps), acting out situations, verbal explanations, expressions, or equations.

MAFS.K.OA.1.2 Solve addition and subtraction word problems, and add and subtract within 10, e.g., by using objects or drawings to represent the problem.

Connecting Standards:

MAFS.K.OA.1.4 For any number 1 to 9, find the number that makes 10 when added to the given number, e.g. by using objects or drawings, and record the answer with a drawing or equation.

MAFS.K.OA.1.5 Fluently add and subtract within 5. *(By the end of kindergarten, students should know addition and subtraction facts with totals to 5.  They also demonstrate an understanding of what it means to add and subtract.  Successful students should have a variety of experiences, using concrete models and drawings to show these combinations.)

Content Knowledge:

Understanding math operations is not about key words, but rather key ideas.  When students understand the actions of the operations, they will know when to add or subtract.  In this Unit, students will use concrete materials to model the problems, draw a picture to match their model, and represent these situations using symbols in expressions and equations.

In previous units, students worked with numbers to a total of 5. In this unit, students will blend both addition and subtraction situations, as well as work with numbers to a total of ten.

GCG 1 – Learning Goal: As a Mathematician, I will be able to represent and solve add to – result unknown problems

  • Step 1: Students can use concrete materials to model add to –result unknown problems and provide verbal explanations of solutions
  • Step 2: Students can use concrete materials and/or drawings to solve add to-result unknown problems and provide verbal explanations of solutions
  • Step 3: Students can match their model and/or drawings of add to-result unknown problems with a given equation or expression and provide a verbal explanation as to why they match

GCG 2 – Learning Goal: As a Mathematician, I will be able to represent and solve take from – result unknown problems

  • Step 1: Students can use concrete materials to model take from-result unknown problems and provide verbal explanations of solutions
  • Step 2: Students can use concrete materials and/or drawings to solve take from-result unknown problems and provide verbal explanations of solutions
  • Step 3: Students can match their model and/or drawings of take from-result unknown problems with a given equation or expression  and provide a verbal explanation as to why they match

GCG 3 – Learning Goal: As a Mathematician, I will be able to represent and solve put together – total unknown problems

  • Step 1: Students can use concrete materials to model put together-total unknown problems and provide verbal explanations of solutions
  • Step 2: Students can use concrete materials and/or drawings to solve put together-total unknown problems and provide verbal explanations of solutions
  • Step 3: Students can match their model and/or drawings of put together-total unknown problems with a given equation or expression  and provide a verbal explanation as to why they match

GCG 4 – Learning Goal: As a Mathematician, I will be able to solve addition and subtraction word problems

  • Step 1: Students can use concrete materials to model addition and subtraction problems and provide verbal explanations of solutions
  • Step 2: Students can use concrete materials and/or drawings to solve addition and subtraction problems and provide verbal explanations of solutions
  • Step 3: Students can match their model and/or drawings of addition and subtraction problems with a given equation or expression  and provide a verbal explanation as to why they match