Unit of Study 1: Place Value of Whole Numbers: MA.4.NSO.1.1, MA.4.NSO.1.2, MA.4.NSO.2.1 (Aug. 22)
Unit of Study 2: Compare and Order Numbers: MA.4.NSO.1.3, MA.4.NSO.2.1 (Sep. 1)
Unit of Study 3: Round Whole Numbers: MA.4.NSO.1.4, MA.4.NSO.2.1 (Sep. 12)
Unit of Study 4: Multiplicative Comparision: MA.4.AR.1.1, MA.4.AR.2.2, MA.4.NSO.2.1 (Sep. 21)
Unit of Study 5: Prime and Composite Numbers: MA.4.AR.3.1, MA.4.NSO.2.1 (Sep. 29)
Unit of Study 6: Multiplication Models and Strategies: MA.4.NS0.2.2, MA.4.NS0.2.3, MA.4.NSO.2.5, MA.4.AR.1.1, MA.4.NSO.2.1 (Oct. 10)
Unit of Study 7: Division Models and Strategies: MA.4.NS0.2.4, MA.4.NSO.2.5, MA.4.AR.1.1, MA.4.NSO.2.1 (Oct. 31)
Unit of Study 8: Area and Perimeter Problem Solving: MA.4.GR.2.1, MA.4.GR.2.2, MA.4.NSO.2.1 (Dec. 1)
Unit of Study 9: Equalities: MA.4.AR.2.1, MA.4.AR.2.2 (Dec. 15)
Unit of Study 10: Angles: MA.4.GR.1.1, MA.4.GR.1.2, MA.4.GR.1.3 (Jan. 9)
Unit of Study 11: Compose and Decompose Fractions and Mixed Numbers: MA.4.FR.2.1 (Jan. 24)
Unit of Study 12: Equivalent Fractions: MA.4.FR.1.1, MA.4.FR.1.3 (Feb. 1)
Unit of Study 13: Compare and Order Fractions and Mixed Numbers: MA.4.FR.1.4 (Feb. 12)
Unit of Study 14: Add and Subtract Fractions and Mixed Numbers: MA.4.FR.2.2, MA.4.AR.1.2, MA.4.FR.1.1, MA.4.FR.2.3 (Feb. 22)
Unit of Study 15: Multiply Fractions and Whole Numbers: MA.4.FR.2.4, MA.4.AR.1.3 (Mar. 8)
Unit of Study 16: Represent and Compare Decimals: MA.4.FR.1.2, MA.4.NSO.1.5 (Mar. 26)
Unit of Study 17: Add and Subtract Decimals: MA.4.NSO.2.6, MA.4.NSO.2.7, MA.4.M.2.2 (Apr. 9)
Unit of Study 18: Measurement: MA.4.M.1.1, MA.4.M.1.2, MA.4.M.2.1 (Apr. 17)
Unit of Study 19: Represent and Interpret Data: MA.4.DP.1.1, MA.4.DP.1.2, MA.4.DP.1.3 (May 6)
Unit of Study 20: Numerical Patterns: MA.4.AR.3.2 (May 15)