Understanding Perimeter
1. What’s included when teaching perimeter in 3rd grade? • Solving real-world problems involving perimeter of polygons • Determining when it is necessary to find the perimeter from a given …
A shared partnership program with HCTM and HCPS
1. What’s included when teaching perimeter in 3rd grade? • Solving real-world problems involving perimeter of polygons • Determining when it is necessary to find the perimeter from a given …
Explain the pattern you see Please send completed problem with students name, teacher’s name, and school through school mail to Jennifer Buckley at Mabry Elementary Route 1 for a chance …
Do your students struggle with identifying and understanding numbers such as eleven and twelve? If so, you are not alone. Teen numbers can be a struggle for kindergarten students for …
Are you bored using the same old exit tickets with your students? Or the same reflection responses? This website, http://www.classtools.net/ has a variety of interactive tools that teachers can use …
Do your students have wonderings about animals in their natural habitats? Maybe animals not native to Florida? Animals that are dangerous? Animals that they do not visit in our local …
Listen to engineering professionals “dish” on ideas for inspiring engineering thinking in K-12 students. Podcast topics include ways to integrate engineering into the K-12 education, innovative ideas to teach engineering, …
During this school year, students have learned to represent numbers using a variety of strategies, including counters, tally marks, number lines and tens frames. Ten frames are a great way …
In 4th grade students also use rounding to estimate sums and differences. This strategy is used to make sure that their estimation is reasonable. They used this strategy in 3rd …
Leaning the base ten system is like learning a new language for our children. Instead of letters there are the digits 0-9. Depending on the placement of the digit determines …
In 4th grade students use strategies to estimate numbers. One strategy for estimation is rounding. This is built off of the foundation they received in 3rd grade. Below is how …
Blog Guest Authored from Dr. Matthew Bobrowsky Delaware State University Hawaiian crows are tool users Hawaiian crows (Corvus hawaiiensis) have joined the list of a few bird species that use …
143 students will be attending the school music concert. Each row will seat 13 students. How many rows will be needed for all of the students to have a seat? …
What is multiplication? Multiplication is when we know the number of groups and the size of the equal groups, but the total amount is unknown. Students are expected to use …
What is fact fluency? An important goal for third graders is to develop fluency with multiplication and division by the end of the school year. Fact fluency is the ability …
We have all heard the term “accountable talk.” We get it, kids need to turn and talk to each other. They can’t sit and listen to us all day. But, …
With our recent unscheduled days off thanks to Tropical Storm Hermine, students will no doubt be asking lots of weather related questions… What is a hurricane and how do they …
Once upon a time long long ago… Just Kidding. A long time ago (like yesterday or the day before) a post came out about base ten and place value. If …